ABOUT 2019-05-29T17:33:18+00:00


It’s About You And Me And ALL Of Us!

The Money Free Party is a growing, global political party representing a shift in global values, away from a society based on increasing consumerism, infinite economic growth and aggressive global competition, towards a society based on sustainability, equity and global cooperation.

The world has a proven abundance of resources, more than enough to provide food and housing for everyone on the planet. Yet because of the monetary system imposed upon us, these resources are severely restricted, keeping half the world’s population in poverty and an estimated 6 million people starving to death every year.

The truth can no longer be denied. Our current system is failing, putting us on a collision course with unsustainable wars and environmental collapse. These outcomes are inevitable in this market economy.

It’s going to take a major re-design of our social and economic systems, but this is entirely possible now because of our advanced technology. Transitioning into a system that incentivizes collaboration and produces abundance can turn everything around. Learn more about this new socioeconomic system on our “Policies” page.

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